A true phenomenon in the outdoor world, bushcraft is the art of using nature’s resources for shelter, food, and comfort in all seasons, with as little equipment as possible. This nicely illustrated book is not a conventional survival guide. The activities he suggests are all accessible: tying basic knots, building a fiable shelter to spend the night, building and maintaining a fire, gathering edibles to cook tasty recipes… A great connoisseur of Quebec’s wildlife and flore and a historian by training, he also recounts some famous episodes in the human adventure of the forest – and some of the adventures he himself has experienced in the wilderness..
The art of living in the forest
The best way to appreciate nature is to live it! This is the first book of its kind of its kind, in French and dealing with forests, by an authentic modern-day coureur of the woods of modern times.
Klondike 2006
Crossing the famous Chilkoot Trail (Alaska), building a raft on which he sailed for a month on the Yukon River to recreate the journey of the adventurers of the Klondike Gold Rush (1897)
Log Cabin 2012
Construction of a replica log cabin with hand tools. He lives there for 1 year without water or electricity to reconstitute the way of life of the Quebec pioneers in a rural area (1850)
Wooden Boat 2011
Construction of a replica of a the “Batteau plat” of New France on which he sailed for two weeks on the St. Lawrence River to recreate the voyage of the botanist Pehr Kalm (1749)
Bark Canoe 2013
Construction of a replica of a spruce bark canoe on which he sailed for 2 weeks on the rivers of James Bay to re-enact the voyage of the Hudson’s Bay Company agents (1870)
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